Stage One Performance

Thursday, January 19, 2006

And There's Nothing You Can Do About It

Perhaps Stage One's most representative production, theatrical or otherwise, can be found somewhere in the middle three Iterations of the daring show "And There's Nothing You Can Do About It." The eight Iterations of this endeavor seemed to reach an artistic apex in this middle period, and a posthumous journal is currently being developed by programmers and artisans affiliated specifically with the Fifth Iteration. Feel free to visit that site here.

Excerpt from the "Your Mother Wears The Pants In My Family" post:

"Welcome to the posthumous production journal for the critically acclaimed and widely produced And There's Nothing You Can Do About It. The journal intends to chronicle the development and subsequent development of the canonical "Fifth Iteration" version of the production, presented July 12th - November 1st in Prosser Studio Theater at Stanford University. Although mentioned here only briefly, there are seven other Iterations of varying levels of reliable authenticity. We encourage our readers to seek out documents and criticism relating to Iterations 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, but the nuances of variation are beyond the scope of our humble aspirations.

Please, if you have any contributions to make to what we intend to be the source for And There's Nothing You Can Do About It (Fifth Iteration) epiphinalia, marginalia, sound recordings, interventions and reproductions legal and otherwise, email the journal-keeper at somnambulist at kidstark dot com."


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